Technical diving with PDA

Technical diving is essentially about giving you the opportunity to dive to greater depths using different gases and mixtures. Different gases and their composition influence the decompression times differently, so that the dive planning is a very important part of the dive.


Advanced Nitrox Diver

This course forms the basis for technical diving. In addition to the exercises, it includes the learning of skills as well as the use of stage bottles and double equipment with bridges.
A further component is the acquisition of decompression skills.
The use of basic gases is considered up to an oxygen content of 40% and decompression gases with an oxygen content up to 100%.

The maximum depth is 40m.

  • Theory training
  • Open water dives
  • Minimum age: 18 years
  • Education: AOWD, Basic Nitrox, Deep Diver
  • Dives: At least 50
  • Health declaration
  • Diving medical examination / assessment

Fundamental Diver

This course teaches the basic skills required for technical diving. Among other things, solving problems and mastering one’s own equipment is practiced.
A good trim and the precise buoyancy associated with it are the focus here. The course can be done backmount or sidemount.
(Configuration should not be changed during the course).

  • Theory training
  • At least 4 open water dives of min. 60 minutes
  • Practical exercises
  • Minimum age: 18 years
  • Education: Advanced Nitrox Diver
  • Dives: At least 100
  • Health declaration
  • Diving medical examination / assessment
  • Dry Suit – Double Unit (Back or Sidemount)
  • Longhose -/ Backup regulator
  • Main & Backup Lamp
  • Buoy with spool / reel
  • Replacement mask
  • Compass
  • Blackboard / Wetnotes

Normoxic Trimix Diver

This course allows you to dive to a depth of 70 meters. For this purpose, the necessary handling of gas mixtures with helium content is learned.
In addition to dealing with Trimix, the corresponding gas exchange procedures and the handling of corresponding tables are taught. Part of this is the use of Trimix with min. 18% oxygen content.

  • Theory training
  • At least 4 open water dives of min. 60 minutes
  • Practical exercises
  • Minimum age: 18 years
  • Education:Fundamental Diver
  • Dives: at least 140, of which 30 dives are deeper than 30 meters
  • Health declaration
  • Diving medical examination / assessment
  • Dive computer with gas exchange for Trimix
  • Equipment must meet requirements of technical diving

Full Trimix Diver

This course is designed for divers who already have deep diving experience and want to expand it.
In addition to the skills for calculating runtime tables, corresponding bailout scenarios are learned and played through.
The use of Trimix with less than 18% oxygen is part of the course. The maximum depth is 100 meters.

  • Theory training
  • At least 5 open water dives of min. 80 minutes
  • Practical exercises
  • Minimum age: 18 years
  • Education: Normoxic Trimix Diver
  • Dives: at least 200, min. 30 TGs deeper than 40 meters.
  • Diving medical examination / assessment
  • Health declaration
  • Equipment must meet the requirements of technical diving


This course teaches the theoretical and practical skills in handling SCR and CCR rebreathers.
Among other things, the preparation, the necessary checks and the dismantling of the equipment are learned. A further component is learning how to react and behave in emergency situations.
The maximum depth is 40 metres.

  • Theory training
  • Practical exercises in the pool
  • At least 4 open water dives
  • Minimum age: 18 years
  • Education: Advanced Nitrox Diver
  • Diving medical examination / assessment
  • Health declaration

Gas Blender Kurs

In addition to the advantages and disadvantages of various mixing processes, the physical properties of oxygen and the associated hazards and procedures are taught. Oxygen – purity” is defined and carried out with our own equipment or the production of oxygen-pure equipment.
The use of the software to calculate gas mixtures is part of the course, as well as the production of EANx and Trimix mixtures, with a deviation of less than 1% from the target mixture.

  • Theory training
  • Practical exercises (mixing of gases)
  • Minimum age: 18 years
  • Education: Nitrox Diver
  • Access or own oxygen analyzer
  • Access or own helium analyzer